With costs of automobile insurance seeming to rise every year, a conviction for a moving violation provides your insurance carrier with a perfect excuse to justify increased premiums. Generally speaking, major increases to premiums will occur if you are involved in a traffic accident or if “points” are assessed against your driving record. An individual will receive points against his or her driving record if he is convicted of a moving violation.

Common Moving Violations:

There are dozens of potential moving violations that police officers in St. Petersburg, Clearwater and the surrounding areas of Pinellas County may issue a driver. Below is a list of the most common moving violations:

  • Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device;
  • Failure to Yield;
  • Improper Backing;
  • Stop Sign violation;
  • Red light violation;
  • Improper Lane Change; and
  • Failure to Maintain a Single Lane.

Penalties for Moving Violations

If you are convicted of a moving violation, the Court has broad discretion in imposing a penalty. While every case is different, the Court has the option of imposing points, fines and traffic school. In addition, the accumulation of points on your driving record may have the collateral consequence of causing a suspension of your privilege to drive. In that regard, please consider the following:

  • The accumulation of 12 points in 12 months will result in a 30 day driver’s license suspension;
  • Receiving 18 points in 18 months can cause a 3-month driver’s license suspension; and
  • An individual who collects 24 points over the course of 36 months will suffer a 1-year driver’s license suspension.

A Highly Experienced Pinellas Ticket Defense Lawyer May Help You Avoid Points

Our team of top-rated Pinellas Ticket Defense lawyers appear in the two traffic courts in Pinellas County on a daily basis. Unlike some of the big firms, our office never hires “coverage” lawyers to appear in court on your behalf. Simply put, if you hire one of our lawyers, you will have one of our attorneys appear on your behalf in court.

Call Our Office for a Free Consultation

If you have been cited for a moving violation in St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Tarpon Springs, Palm Harbor, Oldsmar, Dunedin, Safety Harbor, Largo, Belleair, Indian Rocks Beach, Redington Shores, Madeira Beach, Treasure Island, St. Pete Beach, Tierra Verde, Gulfport, Kenneth City or Pinellas Park, call our top-rated Pinellas Ticket Defense team for a free consultation. During this phone conference, we will:

  • Provide you with ALL of the options that exist to you, including those that do not require you to hire a lawyer;
  • Discuss the facts of your case and any legal defenses that may be available to you; and
  • Determine what the best course of action is under the unique facts of your case.

Our Guarantee

There is no lawyer in Florida that can guarantee you of a particular outcome. If you speak with a lawyer who makes a promise of a particular outcome, you should ask him or her to put it in writing. That said, our office puts our money where our mouths are. If we are unable to secure an offer from the Court that avoids “points,” we will refund the entire legal fee that you paid our office.